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Call of Duty - Black Ops

Послато: 24 Окт 2010, 18:48
од Goran
CoD:Black Ops Game Engine poboljšanja

Treyarch have given an insight into the enhancements they’ve made to the game engine for Call of Duty: Black Ops. Speaking on the official blog, they talk of lighting, physics, explosive effects and character details (amongst other things) and use superlatives like “photo-realistic” and “mind-blowing” to describe the improvements.

“At the beginning of each project, the team at Treyarch digs in and goes to work on engine enhancements with a focus on supporting the demands of the new environments and gameplay for our next title. For Black Ops, it was important to the team to have incredible photo-realistic lighting, huge draw distances, explosive destruction and effects, and mind-blowing character details.”

!We completely re-tooled the lighting system from soup to nuts, integrated texture streaming which makes levels like “Payback” possible, and provided our artists the tools and platform they needed to create stunning characters with detail down to their pores! We also went big overhauling the physics, jungle, water, and fire tech – the list goes on and on. You can see what we’re talking about from our gallery, but no screenshot even comes close to what you’ll be experiencing November 9th 2010!”






Послато: 04 Нов 2010, 00:52
од vladapfc7
Izasla ruska narodna verzija bez "leka". ;-)

Послато: 11 Нов 2010, 18:55
од strale95
Igrica je neverovatna! Igrao sam danas kod ortaka (kupio burzuj original za 6500 din -.-" ) multiplayer i nemam reci kolko je dobra. :lover:

Послато: 14 Нов 2010, 18:23
од djakza
Stvarno je odlicna,kampanja predobra,prava adrenalinska injekcija,dok multiplejer sabija,pogotovo zombie mod.

Послато: 23 Сеп 2011, 00:35
од Dule93
Jel igra neko COD 4 preko neta?

Послато: 24 Сеп 2011, 16:05
од Rossobianco
Ja preko gamerangera sad cu kupiti original COD 4,COD 4 CODMW2 i CODMW3 sto treba sad da izadje,ostale igre COD su jadne :slap:

Послато: 24 Сеп 2011, 16:08
од neme93
Maree пише:ostale igre COD su jadne :slap:
Onda nisi igra keca...

Послато: 24 Сеп 2011, 19:24
од Rossobianco
Igrao sam,ali svako ima svoj ukus jbg.

Послато: 25 Сеп 2011, 10:47
од Dule93
Maree пише:Ja preko gamerangera sad cu kupiti original COD 4,COD 4 CODMW2 i CODMW3 sto treba sad da izadje,ostale igre COD su jadne
Zasto preko tog kad imas koliko hoces servera za Cod 4 i za MW2.Za black ops ne znam posto nisam igrao..

Послато: 25 Сеп 2011, 12:14
од Rossobianco
Zato sto smo ja i ortaci pravili sobu pa smo igrali.

Послато: 18 Феб 2012, 22:39
од Astorre
Nisam našao temu za COD 2, pa evo da pitam ovdje.
Da li je neko imao sličan problem.

