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Послато: 26 Сеп 2014, 10:19
од dark warrior™
Kasnice sa izlaskom ponovo ko i uvek :xD:

Послато: 26 Сеп 2014, 10:49
од Džajo5
Kad su kasnili? Uvek je bilo oko novembra.

Послато: 26 Сеп 2014, 11:10
од tanke14
Džajo5 пише:Kad su kasnili? Uvek je bilo oko novembra.

Prosle godine je ako se ne varam kasnilo 15-30 dana, ne secam se tacno...
Nije problem sto ce kasniti, nego ne mogu da docekam da upalim novi fm :D

Послато: 26 Сеп 2014, 11:11
од tadicweb
Zvanični datum izlaska svake godine je pre katoličkog Božića, tako da suštinski, oni nikada ne kasne, već porane, sad druga stvar su naša očekivanja i percepcija kada zaista treba da izađe. :)

Послато: 26 Сеп 2014, 14:23
од dark warrior™
Pa i to si u pravo :yesko:

Послато: 26 Сеп 2014, 15:54
од tadicweb

Послато: 27 Сеп 2014, 09:15
од tadicweb
The gaffer, Miles Jacobson also leaked some of the names featuring in the documentary. Revealed so far are: Demetrio Albertini, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Paolo Nutini, Jon McClure, Alex & Jon McLeish, Will Hughes, Adam Le Fondre and Miles himself talking with Ov & Paul Collyer, the founders of Sports Interactive.

Послато: 27 Сеп 2014, 21:03
од Orthodox
Another aim of InSIder is to allow you to meet and get to know some of the people behind FM. This will hopefully give you an better understanding of how we make FM and the talented people behind the magic. Each email will focus on a different department of the studio and we’re starting with the main man himself – the gaffer and Studio Director, Miles Jacobson.
We’ve posed him 5 questions…here’s what he had to say...

Name: Miles Jacobson
Role: Gaffer
Team supported: Watford

1. What is your role at Sports Interactive and what does it involve day-to-day?

I have quite a few different roles, but the main ones are running the studio, directing Football Manager, exec producing Football Manager Handheld, Classic & other titles that we’re working on, and being what would be called in the TV industry the “show runner” for all of our games, activities & dealings. On top of that I also help run our sister studio, SEGA Korea, am on the UKIE board (a trade body for developers & publishers in the UK games industry), am a columnist for Mirror Football, a mentor for NESTA and am on various committees for Warchild & Nordoff Robbins. No day is ever the same. Sometimes I’ll be in the office, mainly in meetings. Sometimes I’m watching training sessions, or meeting other people in the football industry. Sometimes I’ll be on a plane. Sometimes I’m in Korea working out there. Sometimes I’ll be at SEGA in meetings. Different environments are better for different kinds of work – and nothing beats sitting at home on my sofa playing early builds of the game making notes of tweaks that need to be made to new features. I like to direct the game from the position & location most people play it in!

2. What’s the best thing about working at Sports Interactive?

The team. Many of us have worked together for more than 10 years now and despite the team growing significantly in the last few years, we’ve managed to add to the squad with lots of great talent who I think will also be happy at the club and stay for their careers. Despite us being more than 20 years old, and mainly making annual iterative titles, there’s always so much we want to do with all of our games that it never gets boring.

3. If you could give one piece of advice to someone looking to work in a role similar to yours, what would it be?

If you can find a job you love, you’ll never work a day again – but it will take over your life.

4. What are your interests and past times outside of work?

I’ve merged most of my hobbies into my work – see the comment above about it taking over my life. I go to a lot of football matches, I play computer games, I listen to music (my previous career) and watch TV drama, documentaries & films, which ties into some of the things I’ve done working with BAFTA for many years and An Alternative Reality – the FM documentary which has been a great experience to be involved with. I also love good food & attempting to cook it – the only time I really “turn off” from work, as you have to concentrate or it ends up being bad. I’m a bit old to be out every night now, but I do still try to get to a few gigs a month too.

5. What’s the best game tip you can give to someone to do better on Football Manager?

Player roles. Get them right & it helps a lot – they’re as important in game as they are in real life.

That’s it for this edition of InSIder. We hope you’ve enjoyed it and we’ll be back soon.

Happy managing!

Послато: 27 Сеп 2014, 23:19
од LukaJuje

Послато: 03 Окт 2014, 22:42
од Orthodox
Dva zanimljiva Twitta

Послато: 05 Окт 2014, 22:30
од Orthodox
Preko 500 profesionalnih fudbalera trenutno pomaže u izradi FM-a kako bi bio što realniji ! #FM15

Послато: 06 Окт 2014, 21:40
од DS_RS

Edit: sad sam vidio da je postavljeno sa tvitera ovo da je objavio tamo :slap:

Послато: 07 Окт 2014, 16:22
од Orthodox
Večeras u 21:40 h uzivo na forumu o novom serijalu Football Manager 2015 u ovoj temi :cheers:

Bice live video :yesko:

Послато: 07 Окт 2014, 18:48
од Orthodox
To, a pokusavam da resim i pitanje filma da gledamo online live.

Послато: 07 Окт 2014, 19:08
од Orthodox
Promocija Football Manager 2015 - večeras u 21:40! Pratite uživo novosti vezano za novi serijal igre.
Napomena: Postoji mogućnost da obezbedimo live premijeru filma Alternativna stvarnost koja počinje u 20h!

Послато: 07 Окт 2014, 19:17
од urosija
samo jedno pitanje, jel treba da se registrujemo na ovom sajtu ili nesto slicno da bi pratili veceras ili jock ? :cheers:

Послато: 07 Окт 2014, 19:24
од Orthodox
urosija пише:jock

Послато: 07 Окт 2014, 20:32
од Orthodox

Код: Изаберите све

Alternativna stvarnost uzivo!

Послато: 07 Окт 2014, 20:39
од Sloba
Hoće li biti neki prevod na srpski ili tako nešto?