Google Chrome

Sve vezano za svet kompjutera,ostale igre i dr.
Корисников грб
FM Serbia
Youth Team Coach
Поруке: 168
Придружен: 20 Авг 2011, 09:45
Место: Banja Luka
Status: Није на вези

Google Chrome

Порука од FM Serbia »

Momci treba mi pomoć. Juče u jednom trenutku samo izbacilo "ERROR" dok sam bio u "Google Chrome", na kome piše "Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Relaunch now?"...
Pritisnuo sam "OK", posle toga mi izašlo iz pretraživača "Google Chrome", te sam opet ušao u već pomenuti...Opet mi se naravno pojavio pomenuti ERROR...
Pored toga "ERROR- a", da sada ne zakomplikujem priču, pojavio se još jedan da pošaljem problem "Microsoft- u" ...naravno poslao sam, i dobio link gde to mogu rešiti...kada sam ušao u link, opet "ERROR" ..ista priča i izašlo mi...
Da li ko zna rešenje problema, sada sam na Internet Exporer- u, a mogu reći da mi mnogo ide na živac...
Kao rešenje problema dobio sam ovaj link, pa možete malo pročitati i prostudirati, a i da mi kažete kako da rešim...mnogo bi mi značilo! :)
P.S. Ovaj problem mi se i ranije dešavao, nije mi se dalo zamajavati sa njim, pa sam rušio sistem, i ponovo dizao...sada igram igru, i imam svakakvih stvari na račuanru, pa mi se neda sve opet ://
Pozdrav! :cheers:


Последње учитавање од FM Serbia дана 12 Сеп 2011, 09:51, учитано 4 пута укупно.
World Class Manager
Поруке: 3468
Придружен: 24 Окт 2010, 14:08
Место: Jagodina
Status: Није на вези

Порука од Rossobianco »

Ovo pise na linku,probaj to

Код: Изаберите све

This error displays when Google Chrome unexpectedly shuts down. 
Try restarting the browser.

Whenever possible, Google Chrome will restore webpages from your previous browsing session.
Do you have Internet Download Manager installed?

If you have Internet Download Manager installed, update to IDM version 6.03 Beta or disable the "Advanced browser integration" option by going to Options > General.
Check for conflicting software.

You can check for conflicting software on Windows by typing about:conflicts in the address bar. If you have software that is known to cause Google Chrome to crash, it will be highlighted for you on this page, along with any recommended actions to resolve the conflict. In many cases, the conflicting software is malware that needs to be removed using anti-virus software. 
Check whether you need a new browser user profile.

If you see this error message repeatedly, your browser user profile may be corrupted. First try moving the Default subfolder from your User Data folder to see if that fixes the problem:
Go to Start menu > Run.
Enter one of the following directories in the text field, depending on your operating system: 

Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\ 
Windows Vista and Windows 7: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ 

Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default 

Linux: ~/.config/google-chrome/Default
Click OK.
In the window that opens, rename the "Default" folder as "Backup."
Move the "Backup" folder from the "User Data" folder up one level to the "Chrome" folder. 

If you continue to see the error, try creating a new user profile to replace your current one. 
Check for problems with protected system files.
Go to Start menu > Run.
Enter the following: SFC.EXE /SCANNOW (make sure there is a space between SFC.EXE and /SCANNOW). This initiates the Microsoft utility that will scan and repair problems with protected system files on your computer.

Try opening Google Chrome and see whether the error message still appears.
Da li si probao da obrises google chrom pa da ga opet skines,udjes preko IE.
Корисников грб
FM Serbia
Youth Team Coach
Поруке: 168
Придружен: 20 Авг 2011, 09:45
Место: Banja Luka
Status: Није на вези

Порука од FM Serbia »

Maree пише:Ovo pise na linku,probaj to

Код: Изаберите све

This error displays when Google Chrome unexpectedly shuts down. 
Try restarting the browser.

Whenever possible, Google Chrome will restore webpages from your previous browsing session.
Do you have Internet Download Manager installed?

If you have Internet Download Manager installed, update to IDM version 6.03 Beta or disable the "Advanced browser integration" option by going to Options > General.
Check for conflicting software.

You can check for conflicting software on Windows by typing about:conflicts in the address bar. If you have software that is known to cause Google Chrome to crash, it will be highlighted for you on this page, along with any recommended actions to resolve the conflict. In many cases, the conflicting software is malware that needs to be removed using anti-virus software. 
Check whether you need a new browser user profile.

If you see this error message repeatedly, your browser user profile may be corrupted. First try moving the Default subfolder from your User Data folder to see if that fixes the problem:
Go to Start menu > Run.
Enter one of the following directories in the text field, depending on your operating system: 

Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\ 
Windows Vista and Windows 7: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ 

Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default 

Linux: ~/.config/google-chrome/Default
Click OK.
In the window that opens, rename the "Default" folder as "Backup."
Move the "Backup" folder from the "User Data" folder up one level to the "Chrome" folder. 

If you continue to see the error, try creating a new user profile to replace your current one. 
Check for problems with protected system files.
Go to Start menu > Run.
Enter the following: SFC.EXE /SCANNOW (make sure there is a space between SFC.EXE and /SCANNOW). This initiates the Microsoft utility that will scan and repair problems with protected system files on your computer.

Try opening Google Chrome and see whether the error message still appears.
Da li si probao da obrises google chrom pa da ga opet skines,udjes preko IE.

Bro jesam pokušao ali opet isti problem...jedino pravo rešenje sam našao u rušenju i dizanju sistema, ali to mi se neda sada...igram igru, pa ne želim sve ispočetka da instaliravam...

Sa linka išao sam na "Run" kao što kaže, zatim za Windows XP, sam ukucao kao što piše: "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
Windows Vista and Windows 7: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ "..ali ne znam šta treba dalje treba...
:cheers: Puno hvala što si i napisao odgovor na moju temu, pozdrav!
World Class Manager
Поруке: 3468
Придружен: 24 Окт 2010, 14:08
Место: Jagodina
Status: Није на вези

Порука од Rossobianco »

User profile,ja mislim da ti je to username recimo kao sto je meni Maree,pa kad se login kucam sifru kapiras na sta mislim ? E sad ovo local settings moze da bude isto a moze i documents da se zove probaj da zamenis to pa javi kako je.Mada preporucujem Mozzilu ili Operu.
Корисников грб
FM Serbia
Youth Team Coach
Поруке: 168
Придружен: 20 Авг 2011, 09:45
Место: Banja Luka
Status: Није на вези

Порука од FM Serbia »

Da, da razumem...
Ali mislim da ovako treba krenuti...
Go to Start menu > Run.
Enter one of the following directories in the text field, depending on your operating system:

Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
Windows Vista and Windows 7: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\
Click OK.

.......................................e ovo dole ispod ne razumem...kada udjem u "User Data" nadjem ja taj folder "Default" ali sta sada ovo "Backup" treba?

- In the window that opens, rename the "Default" folder as "Backup."
Move the "Backup" folder from the "User Data" folder up one level to the "Chrome" folder.

If you continue to see the error, try creating a new user profile to replace your current one.
Check for problems with protected system files.
Go to Start menu > Run.
Enter the following: SFC.EXE /SCANNOW (make sure there is a space between SFC.EXE and /SCANNOW). This initiates the Microsoft utility that will scan and repair problems with protected system files on your computer.

Try opening Google Chrome and see whether the error message still appears
Корисников грб
FM Serbia
Youth Team Coach
Поруке: 168
Придружен: 20 Авг 2011, 09:45
Место: Banja Luka
Status: Није на вези

Порука од FM Serbia »

Овако..пуно хвала пријатељу што си се консустовао самном...
Решио сам проблем, а њега сам решио тако што сам урадио нови кориснички налог...:)
Пуно хвала и живио! :cheers: :cheers:
World Class Manager
Поруке: 3468
Придружен: 24 Окт 2010, 14:08
Место: Jagodina
Status: Није на вези

Порука од Rossobianco »

Drago mi je da si resio problem,katanac.

Повратак на “Virtuelni svet / Virtual World”